[Samba] Samba Share with user and no password

basti mailinglist at unix-solution.de
Thu Sep 5 14:56:11 UTC 2019

Thank you Rowland.

I will try it.

Yes you are right. it's not securely.
I think this type of setup terrible this days. No central user
management, no secure at all. It a customer requirement. Switch to AD is
not on purpose at the moment.

Best Regards

On 05.09.19 16:14, Rowland penny via samba wrote:
> On 05/09/2019 14:14, basti via samba wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i have migrate a Samba (3.0.20b-3.19-1616-SUSE) to debian 9
>> (4.5.16-Debian).
> Keep upgrading, 4.5.16 is EOL ;-)
>> On the old suse users are created with smbpasswd -an foo
>> On Windows (10) users have a User account with also empthy passwords. No
>> AD or NT4-Domain (round about 10 Users)
> Boy, you really don't like doing things securely.
>> Then I try to connect to the share smbclient -NL \\192.xxx.xxx.xxx work.
>> Connect from Windows to share with no password dosed work.
> I take it 'dosed' is really 'does not'
>> Set a Samba Password and connect to share with this works also.
> That is how it is supposed to work.
>> I also read
>> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_a_Standalone_Server
> Good.
>> Is there a way to connect Windows 10 with username and no password to
>> samba share?
> I really do not think this is a good idea, anybody who gets access to
> your lan, only needs to find out a username and they have access to
> everything on your standalone server. However, if you must use blank
> passwords, try adding 'null passwords = yes' to your smb.conf.
> Rowland

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