[Samba] I can't get Win10 clients to sync time with the DC

Sonic sonicsmith at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 17:10:30 UTC 2019

I'm going to blame this on my "some other weird magic" phrase. My
clients do indeed have the proper time but I'm not sure why.
Even though the net time argument runs correctly the following it
seems does not:
PS C:\Windows\system32> w32tm /monitor
dc.example.com *** PDC ***[]:
    ICMP: 0ms delay
    NTP: error ERROR_TIMEOUT - no response from server in 1000ms
Clearly the windows time service is expecting to find port 123 (ntp)
open on the DC, which is not the case here.
So it appears Samba only signs the time but does not provide it.
I'll have to look into why it's working so well for me. Didn't mean to
lead you down a rabbit hole.

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