[Samba] suddenly change: idmap uid + gid

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Nov 1 08:33:24 UTC 2019

On 01/11/2019 06:38, Hilberg via samba-technical wrote:
> Hi
> The server suddenly changed the uid + gid. this happened to times, 
> yesterday and the week after.
> The samba is a AD member where we have many users (>20 000) and we use 
> autorid in that way
> [global]
>     security = ads
>     workgroup = CUSTOMER
>     realm = CUSTOMER.COM
>         winbind use default domain = yes
>         winbind enum users = yes
>         winbind enum group = yes
>        idmap config * : backend = autorid
>     idmap config * : range = 1000000-8999999999
> At the moment I have two questions:
> Why this happened and is there a way to stop the disaster?
> Is there a quick way to repair the disaster? I infects the profile 
> directory used with acl.
Sorry, but more info is required.

What OS ?

What is the DC ?

Also, you cannot use 'winbind use default domain = yes' with autorid, it 
sort of defeats the whole idea behind autorid ;-)

When you reply, can you please reply to the samba mailing list, 
samba-technical is not the place to discuss this, I have cc'd the samba 
mailing list.


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