[Samba] idmaps, again

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Thu Mar 21 18:31:01 UTC 2019

Today a topic popped up again, which I already wrote about in this
thread a while ago:


Creating new users via ADUC under Windows10 still gives us users with
missing attributes like uidNumber etc

As far as I understand, this simply doesn't work with Win10, related to



What are my options here?

So far we created users on the shell, via samba-tool. Now there is a
junior admin on site and it would be nice to be able to use ADUC as well.

Is it possible/reasonable to fiddle with the ID mapping? Swap the backend?

We have 2 samba DCs and one samba DM there (4.9.x currently), about 50
users in AD (and in turn maybe 30-40 windows machines as well), if that
is relevant in any way.

Sorry for still not having fully understood these mapping issues ...

regards, Stefan

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