[Samba] cannot set filesystem permissions on shares

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Jul 4 13:25:26 UTC 2019

On 04/07/2019 13:52, Pisch Tamás via samba wrote:
> Pisch Tamás <pischta at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. júl. 4., Cs, 13:15):
>>> OK, I set up Buster RC3 in a VM
>> Thanks a lot!
>>> I could add 'Domain Admins' to the 'Properties' on the share without any
>>> problem.
>> :o
>>> Back to Buster machine:
>>> root at dbrc3:~# ls -lad /home/users
>>> drwxrwx---+ 2 root SAMDOM\domain_users 4096 Jul  4 11:12 /home/users
>>> root at dbrc3:~# getfacl /home/users
>>> getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
>>> # file: home/users
>>> # owner: root
>>> # group: SAMDOM\\domain_users
>>> user::rwx
>>> user:root:rwx
>>> user:10512:rwx
>>> user:10513:rwx
>>> group::rwx
>>> group:SAMDOM\\domain_admins:rwx
>>> group:SAMDOM\\domain_users:rwx
>>> mask::rwx
>>> other::---
>>> default:user::rwx
>>> default:user:root:rwx
>>> default:user:10512:rwx
>>> default:group::r-x
>>> default:group:SAMDOM\\domain_admins:rwx
>>> default:group:SAMDOM\\domain_users:r-x
>>> default:mask::rwx
>>> default:other::r-x
>>> So we can scratch the 'acl' changes.
>> Ok.
>>> you must have the 'acl' package installed to have 'getfacl', but is the
>>> 'attr' package installed ?
>> Yes.
>> getfattr users
>> # file: users
>> user.SAMBA_PAI
> Unbelievable: I remowed every settings from the samba shares, except
> path and read only in smb.conf. It turned out that I can set the
> fliesystem permissions of every share, except the users share!
> I checked the acls and xattrs of the folders. Only the users share had
> xattr entry. I deleted that setting, but it didn't help. I compared
> the acls of the other shares with the users share, but no difference.
> Is there users share related settings in smb.conf that maybe prohibit my access?
Not that I am aware.

How are you creating the users share (/home/users/%U) ?


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