[Samba] Standalone Server User Import / Export

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Sat Aug 10 07:54:33 UTC 2019

On 10/08/2019 06:20, David Ayers wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 09.08.2019, 13:41 +0100 schrieb Rowland penny via
> samba:
>> ayers at vmbuster:~$ sudo tdbdump samba.tdbsam-export
>>> {
>>> key(19) = "INFO/minor_version\00"
>>> data(4) = "\00\00\00\00"
>>> }
>>> {
>>> key(9) = "NEXT_RID\00"
>>> data(4) = "\E8\03\00\00"
>>> }
>>> {
>>> key(13) = "INFO/version\00"
>>> data(4) = "\04\00\00\00"
>>> }
>>> I assume that ist not what its supposed to look like?
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>> I don't think so, I have just checked on a standalone server in a VM
>> and
>> I get a very similar result. I did run tdbdump against
>> /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb and get more output, but it is
>> unreadable, even though 'man tdbdump' says this:
>> tdbdump is a very simple utility that 'dumps' the contents of a TDB
>> (Trivial DataBase) file to standard output in a human-readable
>> format.
>> There is a big difference between readable and understandable, there
>> doesn't seem to be much point in a 'dump' that you cannot understand,
>> or
>> am I missing something ?
> Indeed... so it seems next to the tdbdump issue the issue of pdbedit
> also remains open:
> Are pdbedit -e/-i intended to be tools to reliably export and import
> user data as the man pages suggest:
>         -e|--export passdb-backend
>             Exports all currently available users to the specified password database backend.
>             This option will ease migration from one passdb backend to another and will ease backing
>             up.
> ...
>         -i|--import passdb-backend
>             Use a different passdb backend to retrieve users than the one specified in smb.conf. Can be
>             used to import data into your local user database.
>             This option will ease migration from one passdb backend to another.
> ...
> Do these three issues warrant a bug report?
Yes, if it doesn't do what it says it will do, then it is a bug.
>> Having said that, they are .tdb files, so back them up with tdbbackup
>> cd /var/lib/samba/private
>> tdbbackup passdb.tdb
>> tdbbackup secrets.tdb
>> copy the resulting .bak to the new computer and remove the .bak
>> suffix.
> Done. Thank you.  My specific migration issue is now solved.  And the
> my backups scripts have been amended.
> Thank you very much for your help!
> David
Glad to help


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