[Samba] Different behaviour of winbind in 4.8.3

Tino Müller tmu at spreadshirt.net
Thu Jul 5 07:33:29 UTC 2018

Hi Rowland,

sorry for the late reply.

On 07/02/2018 10:20 AM, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> You don't have 'winbind use default domain = yes' so you should have to
> use the domain name to get a result.

FWIW, with 'winbind use default domain = yes' the output is:

# id tmutest
uid=1102339(tmutest) gid=1000513(domain users) groups=1000513(domain

> Can you try this with 'getent passwd tmutest', if this returns output
> on 4.8.3, then it is a Samba problem, if it doesn't, it is an 'id'
> problem.

With 4.8.3 (4.8.2 does not produce a result):
# getent passwd tmutest

> The only thing that changed between 4.8.2 & 4.8.3 and seems to be
> possibly relevant is this:
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13369
> Unless you can see something I missed here:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_4.8_Features_added/changed#Changes_since_4.8.2:

Saw this too, but didn't know, if the changed behaviour was intended by
this change.

Will do a bug report as requested in the other mail.

Thank you.


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