[Samba] xfreerdp and SPNEGO failed

Jonathan Hunter jmhunter1 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 11:12:03 UTC 2018


On 22 February 2018 at 15:00, lejeczek via samba <samba at lists.samba.org>

> I try xfreerdp to connect to a Win10 which is a member of NT-style domain
> and it fails this way:
> [14:55:33:905] [8048:8055] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.nla] - SPNEGO failed
> with NTSTATUS: 0xC0000017
> [14:55:33:905] [8048:8055] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] -
> freerdp_set_last_error ERRCONNECT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED [0x00020009]
> [14:55:33:905] [8048:8055] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
> rdp_recv_callback: CONNECTION_STATE_NLA - nla_recv_pdu() fail
> [14:55:33:905] [8048:8055] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] -
> transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - -1

Does it successfully connect to any other Win10 machines in the same
domain? i.e. is it just this one machine, or something more generic?

I wonder if it might be due to the NLA authentication mechanism (or I might
be clutching at straws here, just from the NLA strings above).

A thread here has some more discussion.. it's not the same problem you are
having, but contains some pointers to other resources on the subject, if
that is indeed where the problem lies:

Or perhaps

Hope that helps, or at least gives some pointers..


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