[Samba] Windows 10 & Samba

Thomas Rieff trieff at greencaremankato.com
Wed Dec 19 23:34:25 UTC 2018

I am accessing Visual Foxpro and main.prg inside a shortcut by first calling the VFP9 and then the mapping of the file server with the directories to the program.... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\vfp9.exe" F:\??_???\progs\main.prg. 
Would max protocol = SMB2 be the correct format? 
Thanks for the thoughts. 

Gaiseric Vandal [ mailto:samba%40lists.samba.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BSamba%5D%20Windows%2010%20%26%20Samba&In-Reply-To=%3Cc0ae0aff-7a1c-d732-37f1-45595a8cdb57%40gmail.com%3E | gaiseric.vandal at gmail.com  ] 
Wed Dec 19 22:11:06 UTC 2018 
Windows 7 does not support ver  SMB3 for the CIFS file sharing.   You 
may want to set the max protocol values on your samba server to be SMB2 
only.   This would at least eliminate SMB3 being a factor.

Is visual foxpro accessing the main.prg file via a drive mapping (e.g. X 
mapped to \\server1\users\myname) or directly to the UNC path ( e.g 

Presumably you are logged into windows as a regular user not an admin ? 

Thomas Rieff 

From: "Thomas Rieff" <trieff at greencaremankato.com> 
To: "samba" <samba at lists.samba.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 3:34:47 PM 
Subject: Windows 10 & Samba 

Are there any special quirks with Windows 10 and Samba... 
Using Visual Foxpro 9 on Windows 7 with the data and program files on a Samba file server. 
Will need to move to Windows 10 in a year so doing some testing. 
Everything works on one machine with 10 while on another it will not call the main.prg file on the Samba server. 
Trying to figure out if it is VFP9 issue or a quirk with Samba. 
Curious if anyone has any thought. 
Happy Holidays. 

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