[Samba] [Announce] Samba 4.9.0rc2 Available for Download

Henry Jensen hjensen at mailbox.org
Wed Aug 1 14:34:42 UTC 2018

Hi all,

some questions regarding upcoming release 4.9.0:

On Tue, 31 Jul 2018 18:34:08 +0200
Karolin Seeger via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> net ads setspn
> ---------------
> There is a new 'net ads setspn' sub command for managing Windows SPN(s)
> on the AD. This command aims to give the basic functionality that is
> provided on windows by 'setspn.exe' e.g. ability to add, delete and list
> Windows SPN(s) stored in a Windows AD Computer object.
> The format of the command is:
> net ads setspn list [machine]
> net ads setspn [add | delete ] SPN [machine]

Is there a difference to "samba-tool spn list [machine]" or 
"samba-tool spn [add|delete] SPN [machine]"?

> samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset is now much faster
> -----------------------------------------------
> The 'samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset' command, used on the Samba AD DC,
> is now much faster than in previous versions, after an internal
> rework.

Does this mean, sysvolreset is no longer buggy (according to this list)
and can be used (again)?

Kind Regards,


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