[Samba] add machine script not running

Daniel Berteaud daniel at firewall-services.com
Wed Nov 15 15:25:11 UTC 2017


I'm running samba 3.6.3 (on Ubuntu 12.04). This server is acting as an old style NT4 domain using samba as backend. Machine accounts are created using a script, called by samba (add machine script). Everything is working great.

Now, I want to keep the same thing, but on Ubuntu 16.04, so with samba 4.3.11. Mostly everything is working as expected, except that smbd doesn't execute the add machine script. Instead, it tries to create the machine directly (but not with the correct objectClass, I want to have full control on this part, and just let samba add the sambaSamAccount objectClass and related stuff)

In my logs, even with quite high debug level, I can see the param is correctly read:

doing parameter add machine script = /usr/local/bin/addworkstation.pl %u

But the script is not executed. Instead, when samba sees the account doesn't already exist in LDAP, it tries to create it, which is failing (because my ACL in OpenLDAP does not allow it)

See my logs attached

Why doesn't samba execute my add machine script at this point, instead of trying to create it on its own ?


Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Visio: https://vroom.fws.fr/dani
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com
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