[Samba] Error in https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_Home_Folders

Marc Muehlfeld mmuehlfeld at samba.org
Tue Mar 7 18:33:46 UTC 2017


Am 07.03.2017 um 10:02 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
>> I found a small error
>> in https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_Home_Folders . The wiki
>> mentions as rights on the share Read and Execute for Authenticated
>> Users, but on that level I see only Full Control, Change and Read. My
>> assumption is that it should be Change and Read for Authenticated
>> users,

You are right. I fixed this. Thanks.

Additionally, I added a sentence telling the user what to verify on 
Win7, because the "Disable inheritance" button only exists on Win8 and 

> Just checked with 'Computer Management' on Win7 and you could be right,
> in fact, the entire page seems wrong, I wonder what version of Windows
> Marc used ?

I really don't understand why you are saying that the _entire_ page is 


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