[Samba] Building from source on an ARM71 based router

Zac Morris zac at zacwolf.com
Sat Jun 3 15:10:36 UTC 2017

​No, sorry, it's actually failing on "configure" which this script calls. I
should have been more clear.

./configured is failing at step: ​*Checking uname sysname type*

It's obviously missing some app/header/library, but reading through all the
breakpoints listed in the error (re-pasted below) I can't make out from the
code what it's looking for, and the config.log doesn't show a better error.
I even manually ran the last step shown in config.log and it ran fine, so I
don't believe that is the step that it's actually hanging on. I'm hoping to
hear back from someone that's familiar what's actually happening during
this step of configure.

*Checking uname sysname type*              : Traceback (most recent call
  File "./buildtools/bin/waf", line 76, in <module>
    Scripting.prepare(t, cwd, VERSION, wafdir)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line
145, in prepare
    prepare_impl(t, cwd, ver, wafdir)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line
135, in prepare_impl
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/wscript", line 350, in main
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_wildcard.py", line 110, in wildcard_main
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line
241, in configure
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Configure.py", line
237, in sub_config
    self.recurse(k, name='configure')
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 656,
in recurse
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/wscript", line 101, in configure
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_utils.py", line 451, in RECURSE
    return ctx.sub_config(relpath)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Configure.py", line
237, in sub_config
    self.recurse(k, name='configure')
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 656,
in recurse
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 743,
in wrap
    ret = fun(k)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/lib/replace/wscript", line 28, in configure
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_utils.py", line 451, in RECURSE
    return ctx.sub_config(relpath)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Configure.py", line
237, in sub_config
    self.recurse(k, name='configure')
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 656,
in recurse
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Utils.py", line 743,
in wrap
    ret = fun(k)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/lib/replace/../../buildtools/wafsamba/wscript",
line 308, in configure
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_conftests.py", line 452, in CHECK_UNAME
    msg="Checking uname %s type" % v):
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_autoconf.py", line 436, in CHECK_CODE
  File "./buildtools/wafsamba/samba_conftests.py", line 52, in check
    ret = self.run_c_code(*k, **kw)
  File "/opt/test/samba-4.6.4/third_party/waf/wafadmin/Tools/config_c.py",
line 575, in run_c_code
    proc = Utils.pproc.Popen([lastprog] + args, stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE,
  File "/opt/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 390, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/opt/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1024, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 2:58 AM, Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 2017-06-02 at 20:59 -0400, Zac Morris via samba wrote:
> > I am trying to build Samba 4.6.4 on an ARM 7 Cortex based router (Netgear
> > R8000), running *DD-WRT v3.0-r31980M kongac (05/11/17)*
> >
> > I'm working with some folks via the DDWRT, but we're running into an
> issue
> > trying to build from source.
> >
> > I have python 2.7 already installed on the router, and I'm executing the
> > install_with_python.sh script.
> >
> > ./install_with_python.sh /opt/test/samba-4.6.4
> You don't need to use install_with_python.sh if you already have
> python.  (We should probably remove that script, it installs an
> outdated version).
> I hope this helps,
> Andrew Bartlett
> --
> Andrew Bartlett                       http://samba.org/~abartlet/
> Authentication Developer, Samba Team  http://samba.org
> Samba Developer, Catalyst IT          http://catalyst.net.nz/
> services/samba

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