[Samba] creating new users - missing uidNumber

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Thu Feb 2 10:01:06 UTC 2017

Am 2017-02-01 um 15:32 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:

> You don't need to do that, there are a couple of attributes (which you
> will probably not have) which will store the next uid & gidNumber.
> these are 'msSFU30MaxUidNumber' & 'msSFU30MaxGidNumber' and they
> should/can be here:
> dn:
> CN=samdom,CN=ypservers,CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com

Well, I have to "grep" them somewhere as well, right?
Or can I point their admin to some spot in his Windows-Tools (RSAT) to
read that?

feels a bit strange to have to take care of these details

I mean, ADS stores dozens of awkward values etc and then I as admin have
to keep track of that one attribute?

sorry, no ranting, just wondering.
thanks for your help.

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