[Samba] Force password complexity on NT4 style domain (Samba 4.6.4)

Boris S. ml16 at bst.myftp.info
Wed Aug 30 15:15:28 UTC 2017

Am 30.08.2017 um 16:38 schrieb Marco Gaiarin via samba:
> Mandi! Boris S. via samba
>    In chel di` si favelave...
>> is there a way to force password complexity on NT4 style domains?
>> the "samba-tool domain passwordsettings" seems to only work on DC mode,
>> right?
> You can use 'password policies':
>   pdbedit -P "maximum password age" -C 7776000
>   pdbedit -P "min password length" -C 8
>   pdbedit -P "password history" -C 5
>   pdbedit -P "bad lockout attempt" -C 5
>   pdbedit -P "lockout duration" -C 30
>   pdbedit -P "reset count minutes" -C 5

Thank you. I found these settings already and changed them to my needs.
I will let check the complexity with a script ("check password script").


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