[Samba] Friendly Reminder: Would you please comment on my findings?

awl1 awl1 at mnet-online.de
Fri Aug 18 21:26:00 UTC 2017

Hello Rowland,

Am 18.08.2017 um 23:10 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> The problem is that this isn't a Samba problem, googling for 'smb2 slow
> performance' returns over 73,000 results, so I don't think Samba needs
> to tell Microsoft, I think they know;-)
I am not at all certain that they know. In case they knew, why wouldn't 
they fix this issue - their base client-side SMB2 code should already be 
several years old and the issue clearly is hugely detrimental to SMB2 

As Andrew just stated that the Samba team even has interoperability 
meetings with Microsoft on a regular basis, wouldn't such a meeting be 
the perfect setting to point them to this issue and request them to fix 
it? What do you think?

> Have you also tried turning off smb2 signing on the windows machine ?
Yes, SMB2 signing was off from the very beginning (note that the thread 
contains a discussion with Jeremy where he assessed the smb.conf for 
validity, and I also tried with a minimal smb.conf as proposed by you 
(IIRC), which basically had the same results - good performance with 
SMB1, horribly worse with SMB2...

Best regards

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