[Samba] No such Base DN: CN=Produktion A-Studio (alt?), CN=Users, DC=srg2, DC=local / RSAT

Niels Dettenbach nd at syndicat.com
Thu May 26 15:53:18 UTC 2016

Am Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016, 17:35:15 schrieben Sie:
> Stupid me!
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746475%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
> So we can simply replace parenthesis and others special characters with
> necessary codes. Some MS behaviour well reproduced, not a bug, mea culpa : )
chrrr - Ok, 
does it mean i can try the subsitute char codes instead too in my string - 

	like "\29 alt?\29"

or similiar? Or is this conversion to do vice versa?  Will definitely check 
that too. if plain "()" is not working... 

Many thanks!

 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat IT & Internet
 PGP: https://syndicat.com/pub_key.asc

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