[Samba] Winbind process stuck at 100% after changing use_mmap to no

Alex Crow acrow at integrafin.co.uk
Thu Jul 14 13:39:48 UTC 2016

On 14/07/16 14:29, Volker Lendecke wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 02:22:12PM +0100, Alex Crow wrote:
>> At the moment we're pretty happy with the Samba side of things. I
>> did wonder if there was any help that you kind chaps might be able
>> to give to the MooseFS guys if they need it (they've not asked yet
>> but I've suggested they might be able to). Overall it's working
> The main hint I would like to give to the MooseFS developers is to get
> ping_pong -rw working. If you need any assistance in setting that up
> and getting arguments on why this is important, let us know!
> With best regards,
> Volker

Hi Volker,

Any arguments that I can pass on would be much appreciated.

I've also had a try with RozoFS, which did not work as expected as it 
only supports block-level locks (4096 bytes) so the first lock prevent 
further locks in that block range, which naturally causes ping_pong to 
stall. However I am told by their devs that this should not be an issue 
for CTDB's recovery lock or Samba as they should not need to lock ranges 
of less than a 4k, and they in fact integrate CTDB for their customers.

Best regards


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