[Samba] poor samba performance with many smaller files

Volker Lendecke Volker.Lendecke at SerNet.DE
Wed Apr 27 11:29:39 UTC 2016

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 01:02:54PM +0200, Peter Bulin wrote:
> I did use wireshark to verify that the client (window7) is not the problem,
> client is sending out multiple "SMB2 Create request" packets before he gets
> some answer.

Ok, that's what I wanted to know. In this case Samba in theory has a
chance. Not that we would jump on this immediately and get a solution next
month, but this is a workload that many people have pressure to improve.

Unfortunately opening a file for SMB is a pretty complex task, so making
that fully parallel without too much context switch overhead is difficult.

I'd have loved to blame this on the client, but not this time :-)


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