[Samba] howto install sudo schema

shadrock uhuru niyalevi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 11:07:29 MDT 2014

just  this last issue and i'm set to go,

> I use sssd to get the sudo rules from AD and do not index the sudoUser
> attribute, in fact, thinking about it, I don't index anything ;-)
> What I had to do was alter the 'nTSecurityDescriptor' attribute on
> 'CN=SUDOers', to allow Domain Computers to access the rules
> Rowland

not sure what you mean are your referring to this file

$ cat sudo_user

    dn: cn=%wheel,ou=SUDOers, DC=tissisat,DC=co,DC=uk
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: sudoRole
    cn: %wheel
    sudoUser: %wheel
    sudoHost: ALL
    sudoCommand: ALL

specifically to change cn=%wheel and sudoUser: %wheel

dn: cn=%Domain Computers,ou=SUDOers, DC=tissisat,DC=co,DC=uk
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: sudoRole
    cn: %Domain Computers
    sudoUser: %Domain Computers
    sudoHost: ALL
    sudoCommand: ALL

or to change sudoHost: ALL

dn: cn=%wheel,ou=SUDOers, DC=tissisat,DC=co,DC=uk
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: sudoRole
    cn: %wheel
    sudoUser: %wheel
    sudoHost: +Domain Computers
    sudoCommand: ALL

if both are completely wrong could you name and show me
your file that you modified for Domain Computers.


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