[Samba] recognizing netbios name

Dale Schroeder dale at BriannasSaladDressing.com
Fri Jul 10 12:30:55 MDT 2009


I agree with Miguel, as basic networking is fairly straightforward.

Are your workstations using DHCP with the router acting as the DHCP 
server?  If so, does the router have an option for declaring a WINS 
server, and have you done so?
If the router doesn't have that option, have you manually enabled 
netbios over tcp/ip and declared the WINS server on the clients?
If you're using static ip's, then you'll also have to manually configure 
the workstations for WINS to work.

Run ps -ef | grep mbd.  You should see both smbd and nmbd if Samba is 
fully active.

Good luck,

Miguel Medalha wrote:
>>     Conclusion:  There is no way for
>>     an individual user, even one with decades of computer
>>     experience, to set up a Linux LAN.
> I cannot in any way, shape or form, agree with that. My first Linux 
> domain controller was working on production after a couple of weeks  
> of study, starting from about zero knowledge of Samba.
> Reading your post, it seems to me that your problem lies with some 
> misconfiguration on that router you are using between the Linux 
> machine and the Windows machines.

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