[Samba] SAMBA problems

Dean Timms deantimms at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 6 19:47:00 GMT 2002

Hope you can help as I appear to be going in circles.

Have setup a small peer to peer network

Linux (Mandrake 8.2) Home1
Win XP                     Home2
Workgroup                Test

Now can ping both hostnames and ip addresses from both directions (although WinXP refuses to reply to itself). Have managed to connect to SAMBA for both Home1 & Home2 from the linux box. Used DIR and saw all files in directories. Used my username login for Linux share and guest login for XP box. I think all my problems are coming from the windows XP area.

Have tried the nbstat -A but receive Host Not Found. tried mapping to Linux box but didn't manage to connect. Tried a number of different ways but no joy. tried mapping \\Home1\public & \\\public but think the problem could lie with the login name and password. When you choose map as different user how should it read? Home1\dean, dean, \\Home1\dean?

Also using the SAMBA distribution which comes with Mandrake and I don't appear to have the command nmblookup. Any guess's?

Any tips for progressing would be gratefully recieved.


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