Printing woes - Log Level 9 still doesn't error!

Martyn Ranyard ranyardm at
Sun Jan 27 20:40:09 GMT 2002

Okay, I may not understand the log files at level 9, but I can grep them 
for the word error, and it doesn't appear once.

No matter what I do, I cannot see the printers in the server in the 
Printers folder.

One other thing, I downloaded 2.2.2 and have now got that running, but 
still no joy, and the following configure leaves me with programs expecting 
smb.conf to be in /usr/lib/  !!!  Surely the sysconfdir should do this, why 
does sambe require it's config files as a different option than sysconfdir.

./configure --prefix=/usr --datadir=/usr/share/samba 
--sysconfdir=/etc/samba --localstatedir=/usr/local/samba/var 
--with-privatedir=/etc/samba/private --with-lockdir=/var/lock/samba 
--with-smbwrapper --with-smbmount

I realise now, and I will recompile over the weekend, but not until, as for 
the moment a symlink will suffice.  It's just a little annoying to find 
this out.

A big help for people upgrading from packaged versions to source versions 
would be to include an example filename in the configure help so they can 
do a locate, and ensure that all files are overwritten in situ.

Oh, and here's the log file.  The original information is in my post 
"totally different new printing problem" at (watch that 

Martyn Ranyard
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