Samba and DNS

Gerald Carter gcarter at
Fri Jun 16 07:03:09 GMT 2000

Panagiotis Malakoudis wrote:
> Here is my problem. I have a slackbox running samba 2.0.6 
> that uses an NT wins server. I also have a DNS on linux.
> Whenever my dns failes (for some reason) hosts that have no 
> entry on the DNS server but are indeed found on the wins 
> cannot connect to the samba server. They get "The network is 
> busy" and the smb log files give me "broken pipe". As soon as 
> the DNS is back on line...all is well. I've read the O'Reillys
> book on name resolution but came up with nothing. Any ideas?

This is better suited for the main samba list since it 
is not related to Samba's domain controlling capabilities.
I'm CC:'ing it there as well.

Have a look at the 'dns proxy' parameter and the 'name 
resolve order' parameter as well.

   /\  Gerald (Jerry) Carter                     Professional Services
 \/  VA Linux Systems    gcarter at       SAMBA Team           jerry at

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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