Packet analysis: WinXP vs. Linux<->VMS shows dramatic differ ences

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at
Wed Sep 22 11:46:14 GMT 2004

COLLOT Jean-Yves wrote:
> Hi.
> - BENCH.TMP is a 10000 Kb local file (the file created by Ben's ruby bench)

Hello Jean-Yves,

In order to see the slow behavior, the file transfer has to be greater 
than 64,000 Kb.  With smaller files, it will not be seen.


There is nothing that I can find in the VMS specific or VMS modified 
part of the code that would cause the protocol to be negoticiated 

It may be that this is something that was fixed in Samba post 2.2.8.

Samba 3.x knows about more protocol negotiations than Samba 2.x, and 
Samba 4 will know even more.

Right now I am trying to untangle a dependency there are now 5 different 
sized "struct stat" structures on VMS depending on what version of VMS 
that the code was compiled on and the build options, and if the modules 
are compiled with different #defines set, bad things happen, some hard 
to detect.

wb8tyw at
Personal Opinion Only

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