NT Domain user authentication

COLLOT Jean-Yves jean-yves.collot at cofiroute.fr
Tue Jul 8 07:53:22 GMT 2003

Samba/VMS, for this, works exactly like the UNIX version.

You have to use the "DOMAIN" security model, by adding in your SMB.CONF the
following :

	workgroup = YOUR-DOMAIN
	netbios name = YOUR-NODE-NAME
	security = DOMAIN
	password server = YOUR-PDC
	username map = /SAMBA_ROOT/LIB/smbusers.dat

The smbusers.dat file maps domain user(s) to local VMS users. Each line is
like :

Local-user = domain-user1 domain-user2 ...

All unmapped domain users can be mapped to the "guest user", if any, and if
the share accepts guests access.

Then, you must enter you VMS node into the NT domain, by :
1. Creating the VMS node in the domain, with "srvmgr"

Note that you must hold the SAMBA_ROOT identifier in order to run smbpasswd
like that.

The answer to the second question is yes, NMBD must run in order to tell all
the NETBIOS community (and specially the browsers) that the node is alive
and well.

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