Mapped drives but server invisible from clients

Alder ue191 at
Mon Jul 15 06:20:37 GMT 2002

Having some problems setting up smb.conf and would greatly appreciate
some assistance.

Samba Server (SZEGED):
       OpenVMS 7.2 (Hobbyist)
       Compaq TCPIP Services 5.0

Samba Clients:
       WinME (KIRALY)
         W2K (ISZKAZ)

This is a peer-to-peer LAN over 10Base2 cables.  Should be simple,
right?  All I want to do is provide user accounts on the Windows clients
with their own password-protected file space on SZEGED. I don't want to
share any printers, because none are hooked up to SZEGED.

Accounts and directories have been created on SZEGED and I've added the
usernames/passwords to the smbpasswd database with smbpasswd.  The
usernames and passwords match those used to log into KIRALY (Family
Login) and ISZKAZ.  From a DOS prompt on KIRALY, I do not get SZEGED
listed with the other servers when I issue a "NET VIEW" command, but I
can map the Samba share, browse the shared folder, and transfer files.
Can anyone explain why the Samba server is "invisible" but the shares on
it are not?  Here's what it looks like from the DOS prompt on KIRALY:

Servers available in workgroup EREBUS.
Server name            Remark
\\KIRALY               Abit VA6 - Intel Celeron 433 - ICS Server
The command was completed successfully.

Shared resources at \\SZEGED

Sharename    Type         Comment
homes        Disk         User's Home Directories
tbransco     Disk         User's Home Directories
The command was completed successfully.

   From the other client, ISZKAZ, the same DOS prompt command of NET VIEW
reveals the Samba server in the list of servers.

My entire smb.conf file on SZEGED looks like this:

      workgroup = EREBUS
      encrypt passwords = yes
      security = user
      name resolve order = host bcast
      comment = User's Home Directories
      writable = yes

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