SAMBA for Open-VMS

PTavares at PTavares at
Fri Sep 28 15:06:38 GMT 2001

Hi Isao!

Here is the message with subject. I hope it helps.

I'm Paulo Tavares, writing from Brazil. I'm trying to setup Samba on a VMS 
platform, following the instructions listed on your site. The compilation 
was ok and the service SMBD is already running on VMS but I'm not able to 
see the exported path from VMS through our NT network.
The versions of VMS is 7.1.2 and UCX 4.2 ECO there any parameter I 
should add into SAMBA.CONF on VMS to make it run properly?

Thanks in advance for any help.

[ Paulo Tavares ]
[ Oracle DBA - Telefonica Celular/Brazil ]
[ Phone: +55 51 32150052 ]
[ ptavares at ]
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