Win98 connection - Off topic

Ulf Bertilsson ulf.bertilsson at
Fri Jan 4 04:40:02 GMT 2002

> ya,I am using IP to connect from all machines....I used 
> network sniffer also
> to check for the SMB packet,but when nmbd is not running,SMB 
> request has not
> been sent by Win98 m/c and smbd is blocking on select call....


I just got an idea.

This week I have been strugling with an plain
Wintel network and an midsize company.


Clients drive mappings is lost/broken after some time.


Master browser problems
Event id 8003
(Win2k, Sp2)

Could there be an link here ?

nmbd not running, win9x client drive mapping problems

 -> and

wintel network, win9x client drive mapping not
working as master browser not working correctly ?

Sorry for the off topic,
but it might bring some lights on the subject of "nmbd or not" ?

Best Regards
Ulf Bertilsson

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