BDC or normal domain client?

Tobias Held tobias.held at
Thu Oct 5 14:30:52 GMT 2000


For some weeks we have used a Samba TNG 2.6 server as a PDC at school for
about 20 NT4 clients quite successfully. For the near future we plan to
install an additional server providing CDROMs as CD-Images. Now we are
thinking what is better to configure this server as:

As a BDC of the PDC or as a normal domain client?

I would be very thankful for answering my question.



PS: Some weeks someone in this list wanted to know how to handle CD-Images
under Linux but I can't find his Email any more. So here is the necessary
command to mount CD-Images:

mount -o loop -t iso9660 <isofilename> <mount-point>

where <isofilename> must of course be repleased by the image name and
<mountpoint> by the desired mount-point

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