Ldap Problem

Paul Kennedy pkennedy at loudcloud.com
Mon Mar 13 19:08:37 GMT 2000

I had problems on Friday when running ./configure, it would fail at the
step where it was "checking configure summary".

But anyway, if using the iPlanet/Netscape C SDK, be aware that the .so
is named either libldapssl30.so or libldapssl40.so. As far as I'm aware,
the openldap .so's are named libldap.so. So in order to build with the
iPlanet/Netscape C SDK, you need to copy libldapssl30.so to /usr/lib,
ldap.h and friends to /usr/include, and then you need to modify the
configure.in file, replacing  the three instances of this line

   LIBS="$LIBS -lldap -llber"

with this line

   LIBS="$LIBS -lldapssl40 -lpthread"

Then run ./configure --with-ldap etc.


Christian Verdelli wrote:

> I have download SAMBA_TNG for my linux REDHAT 5.2 box , but
> running the configure script with the option --with-ldap
> it bombs whit :
> checking configure summary:
> configure: error: summary failure . Aborting config.
> I Have netscape directory server 4.xx, and I think it's a library
> problem.
> If so what libraries are needed and where I can specify the path ?

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