multiple logs

Peter Samuelson peter at
Wed Mar 1 10:21:56 GMT 2000

[Gregory Leblanc]
> Speaking of seeing things fly by on the screen, will multiple -l
> options work together (TNG from CVS, whenever)?  I.E. if I want to
> log to tty8 and $logdir/log.smb, can I get output both places?

There's always the old Unix trick:

  mkfifo /tmp/log.smb.fifo
  tee < /tmp/log.smb.fifo > /dev/tty8 $logdir/log.smb
  rpcclient -l /tmp/log.smb.fifo ....

I guess it goes without saying that you have to modify this for /tmp
races if you don't trust your local users....


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