Samba and more then one interface and workgroup

isyn at isyn at
Fri Feb 11 01:27:35 GMT 2000


On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Geerten Schram wrote:
> Have you told the win95 computers to use the (samba-) WINS server?
Yes i did it...
I set the wins server ( exacly i set wins server's ip)

I noticed that the computers (win95,98) from the server's wokrgroup see
other workgroups in the browsing list, but they can't get the ip of it.
I checked in the  wins.dat in samba directory if there it is, and it is.

Computer from the workgroups diffrent then server's see only their selves
and servers workgroup but don't the rest of workgroups ( there are 4 ).


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