smbpasswd doubt

Gabriel Zicarelli gzicarelli at
Wed Aug 23 20:14:58 GMT 2000

Hi all,

Even though I read all the documentation in the samba-tarball I still have
doubts about having to create the smbpasswd file.
I´m using 'security = domain' so if I´m not wrong all authentication goes
through the 'passwd server', and then a user´s permission is either granted
or rejected .
So, as far as I can see the smbpasswd file just sits there to provide a
mechanism of mapping SMB user account into regular UNIX ones, which could be
fixed by means of 'users map' or 'valid users' directives.

Well, here comes the question, is it correct what I´ve just written??? I
would like to be 100% sure, because reading the documentation has confused
me a bit more about this issue (I´m not complaining, honest).

So if someone could give me a hand on this I´ll be thankful.

Thanks, Gabriel.

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