heh, MS advisory

Peter Samuelson peter at cadcamlab.org
Sat Aug 19 05:06:12 GMT 2000

[Edward Schernau <ed at schernau.com>]
> Despite being "friendlier" to Samba (Send plain text passwords to
> third party SMB servers), MS has pronounced the following verdict.
> Note that THEIR buffer overflow problem is "caused" by rpcclient.

>From the above paragraph I assumed MS were engaging in their trademark
blame-shifting tactics (see responses to ILOVEYOU for classic examples
of this).  In the KB article, though, they aren't.  It's actually quite
professional: "Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in
Microsoft Windows 2000.  This problem was first corrected in Windows
2000 Service Pack 1."

Note that whoever wrote the KB article writes as though rpcclient were
a Linux product, rather than part of a software suite available for
(and supported on) a wide range of Unix-like operating systems.


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