samba development

Mike Black mblack at
Wed Aug 16 12:23:06 GMT 2000

Luke...exactly who's in charge here???
Who has the "authority" to dismiss your ideas?
I always thought you were the MFWIC  (see if you don't know what this
Maybe part of what you're seeing is the graduation of the SAMBA crowd from:
You mean my windows boxes can see my Unix box without adding software to all
my windows boxes??
You mean I can no longer print with the new SAMBA release?

In other words -- from R&D to production.

>From my perspective I started getting disheartened with the "new" stuff when
I saw SAMBA fractionalize into something like 3 or 4 different chains.
I coudn't figure out what was going on.
I think there should be two threads to SAMBA (which almost seems like where
we are now)
#1 - Production -- this requires incremental functional capability -- can't
break previous capability
#2 - R&D - wild and crazy ideas including complete rewrites if need be.
Might break old stuff but the ultimate goal is more functionality.

I would maintian that YOU should be in charge of #2 and somebody else in
charge of #1.  This would be put you back in the drivers seat again.
Michael D. Black   Principal Engineer
mblack at  321-676-2923,x203  Computer Science Innovations  My home page
FAX 321-676-2355
----- Original Message -----
From: "Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton" <lkcl at>
To: "Multiple recipients of list SAMBA-NTDOM" <samba-ntdom at>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:19 PM
Subject: samba development

i started on the nt domains for unix project on the basis of paul ashton's
enthusiastic and "this can't be too hard" attitude, back in august 97.

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