Please remove me from this list

Paul J Collins pjdc at
Sun Aug 13 01:22:16 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Vader" == Vader  <- Tattooine <vader at>> writes:

    Vader> According to United States Law, All mass email (such as
    Vader> this list) must be accompanied by instructions of how to
    Vader> unsibscribe from the list. I have tried multiple times to

So what?  Most of the people on the list don't live in the
jurisdiction of the United States Government.

    Vader> use popular listserv-type commands to remove myself from
    Vader> this list, despite the proper information. All attempts
    Vader> have been unsucessful.

    Vader> I will grant 30 minutes for my email to be removed from
    Vader> this list begining from the transmition of this email. Each
    Vader> individual email beyond that time, will be considered spam,
    Vader> and I will take the appropriate legal action against the
    Vader> owner of this list.

Thirty minutes, eh?  That's very kind of you.

    Vader> Thank you for your prompt responce.

You appear to be subscribed under the address chicken at  Go
to this link:;user=CHICKEN@GARLIC.COM;force_match=548

Enter your password, and you'll be able to unsubscribe.

Please not that I'm helping you because I'm a nice guy, not because
you're being a hardass.


Paul Collins <pjdc at> - - - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
 GPG: 0A49 49A9 2932 0EE5 89B2  9EE0 3B65 7154 8131 1BCD
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"Cover up and say goodnight... say goodnight."

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