was [TNG] Status (and merging)

Ove Ewerlid Ove.Ewerlid at syscon.uu.se
Fri Aug 4 00:25:51 GMT 2000

Elrond wrote:
> Your best option currently is to get a 2.0.7 samba, put it
> on another machine (or, if you're good at tweaking the
> interfaces parameter and setting up virtual interfaces: on
> the same machine and give that thing another netbios name
> [No, I never did this, but it should work]) and make that

I do this and it does work!
Eg, smb.conf with:

        interfaces = eth0:1
        bind interfaces only =

and multiple instances of samba running at the same machine
with different netbios names.
(You may, for instance,  want to have a separate _public_ printer server


Ove Ewerlid
Email: Ove.Ewerlid@[syscon|signal|material].uu.se
Phone: +46 70 666 23 63, Fax: +46 18 503 611, +46 18 555 096

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