More on the smbd -D segmentation violation under Solaris7

Matt Ross m.g.ross at
Tue Apr 25 12:47:25 GMT 2000

I have run truss on smbd and the interesting snippet follows:

$ truss smbd -D -o truss.log
$ more truss.log
open64("/usr/local/samba/var/log.smb", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0666) = 4
llseek(4, 0, SEEK_END)           = 36434
umask(0)             = 022
time()                  = 956665625
time()                  = 956665625
write(4, " [", 1)          = 1
write(4, " 2 0 0 0 / 0 4 / 2 5   1".., 19)   = 19
write(4, " ,   1", 3)            = 3
write(4, " ]  ", 2)           = 2
write(4, " s m b d / s e r v e r .".., 13)   = 13
write(4, " :", 1)          = 1
write(4, " m a i n", 4)          = 4
write(4, " ( 6 8 9", 4)          = 4
write(4, " )\n", 2)           = 2
getuid()             = 0 [0]
write(4, "     s m b d   v e r s i".., 34)   = 34
getuid()             = 0 [0]
write(4, "     C o p y r i g h t  ".., 38)   = 38
getuid()             = 0 [0]
stat64("/usr/local/samba/var/log.smb", 0xFFBEED90) = 0
stat64("/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf", 0xFFBEE920) = 0
open64("/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf", O_RDONLY) = 5
fstat64(5, 0xFFBEECB0)           = 0
read(5, " #   S a m b a   c o n f".., 2464)  = 2464
close(5)             = 0
brk(0x00085358)               = 0
brk(0x00087358)               = 0
brk(0x00087358)               = 0
brk(0x00089358)               = 0
pipe()                  = 5 [6]
fork()                  = 27656
close(6)             = 0
read(547616, 0xFFBEE418, 1024)         Err#9 EBADF
    Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xFF1B6364
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
write(4, " = = = = = = = = = = = =".., 64)   = 64
getuid()             = 0 [0]
getpid()             = 27647 [27646]
write(4, " I N T E R N A L   E R R".., 51)   = 51
getuid()             = 0 [0]
write(4, " P l e a s e   r e a d  ".., 50)   = 50
getuid()             = 0 [0]
write(4, " = = = = = = = = = = = =".., 64)   = 64
getuid()             = 0 [0]
write(4, " P A N I C :   i n t e r".., 22)   = 22

There is an attempted read on a non-existent file descriptor, 547616,
fifteen lines from the end. Can anybody suggest what the problem might be?



                              Principal Technical Officer
          Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
                              University of Hertfordshire
  Phone:  +44 (0)1707 286297 (3297 Internal)
  E-Mail: m.g.ross at

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