PDC on 2.0.36

Matthew Kirkwood weejock at ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk
Sat May 29 10:07:38 GMT 1999

On Sat, 29 May 1999, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> Basically, for my sample test LAN, I'm wanting to set up a samba server
> to allow domain logons from a single Win95 machine, and a Linux machine. 
> I want to put some shares on that machine, and perhaps have per user or
> per machine logon batchfiles.  Roaming profiles possibly later...
> Right now, I'd just like to see the win95 box allowed to logon to the
> network.  Any ideas of how to set up this simple setup?

Windows 95 doesn't do real domain logons.  You can authenticate against
it, but that's a different issue.  "Real" domains are sort of like NIS+
on steroids, and thus only work (and are only useful) with NT.

Unless you're using NT machines, pretty much any (non-prehistoric) samba
version will do this adequately (though, of course, you're supposed to use
the most recent one).

smb.conf is pretty self-explanatory and the default setup which comes with
Red Hat requires very little alteration.

Linux end:
1. Choose a workgroup name.
2. Set password level to 8 (uncomment the line) if using mixed-case
3. Uncomment "domain logons = yes"

Windows end:
Choose "log on to domain" (somewhere under network properties) and fill in
the workgroup name you chose above.  Suffer the obligatory reboot and it
should bother you for a username and password when it comes back up.

Simple as that.


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