Connecting to Samba through a Firewall

Rhys Ryan rhysryan at
Fri Jun 18 01:44:51 GMT 1999

Hi All,

I have Samba installed on a Sun-Sparc UNIX box at a co-location facility.
At my office, we have an internal network protected by Wingate firewall
software.  I cannot connect from my Windows 95 machine to the Samba share
because of the firewall.  However, from the server that has the firewall
server (it also has 2 network cards - 1 internal and 1 external), I can
connect without any problem.

Does anyone have any idea of how to fix the situation so I can connect from
my local Windows 95/98 computers to the Samba shares?

Any help would be very greatly appreciated!
"Sometimes it does take a Rocket Scientist!"

Rhys Ryan
rhysryan at

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