User Access Control Again at Samba 2.0.0

Abinoam Jr. abinoam at
Wed Jan 20 18:21:51 GMT 1999

> I've read the recent FAQ that says samba doesn't have support to "User Access Control" 
> (it's when you try to share a directory at a windows desktop based on a list of users obtained from the server, isn't this)
> So I got the HEAD branch at the CVS server and subscribed to this list.
> So, when is the "Samba Team" planning to put the "User Access Control" working on, I'm very interested in it.
> PS: Samba puts "Mr. B" to dance the samba out of the "Rio de Janeiro"'s Carnaval.

I'm asking this again 'cause in the "Recent FAQ's" file says that it would be ready in version 2.0.0,
and I can't make it work yet.

So, the problem is me ?!? or the problem is... this is not ready yet ???

Thanks for any help.

Abinoam P. Marques Junior =>+
Majordomo-Owner at
Linux, C++->Java, (Unse||Se)curity
Biblia, (Infor)Medicine, Bass-playing

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