Slow performance

Celso Kopp Webber webber at
Thu Apr 29 01:40:59 GMT 1999

Hi all.

Sorry if I'm asking this again, but I've noticed a BIG performance penalty on
recent CVSed versions of Samba (head branch).

For instance, I have a machine with a smbpasswd file containing exactly 945
entries. If I install a "standard" version such as 1.9.18, when I type:
$ smbclient -L my_server -U my_username
I instantly get a browse list after I type my password.
If I instead use a recent version from the head branch and issue the same
command, it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to give me the browse list.

The problem is that the "standard" versions are do not include interesting
fetaures, such as creating accounts on the fly, the "domain admin group" and
similar options, and so on.

Will this issue be resolved soon?

Thanks for your time, and congratulations for the best SMB server we have.

Prof. Celso Kopp Webber

Universidade do Vale do Itajai' - UNIVALI
Campus Sao Jose - Sao Jose, SC
Administracao de Redes
Rod. SC 407, Km. 4
88122-000                     Sao Jose-SC

Fone: +55 (48) 281-1505
Fax:  +55 (48) 281-1506

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