Using remote announce w/ security=domain

Richard Kail e8903122 at
Thu Apr 15 23:26:31 GMT 1999

Hallo !

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:

> solutions:
> 1) poison their WINS server database (either by using it as _your_ WINS
> 2) sneak a samba server onto that subnet with "wins proxy = yes" where
> 3) rely on the remote clients using dns, plus you using remote announce:
> 4) hack into all of those machines on the remote network and put your
> 5) _ask_ individual users who wish to access your samba servers to add an
> entry in the lmhosts file.

  6) Write a small description for the users how they can create a link to
the samba share on their desktop using the DNS name or IP-Adress of the
samba server.

With some luck, the *.lnk file is copyable. If it is, users can share them
via 'officially' available file space or get them via ftp.

Kind regards,


The world is a jungle in general, and the networking game
contributes many animals. ---- David C. Plummer, RFC 826

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