---------------------------------------------- Other Simplifications for cygwin under Windows) ---------------------------------------------- Get util 'linkd' from the MS Windows Resource Kit (Win2k, WinXP, Win2k3), free downloads from one of the MS websites (maybe technet) MS website). The util will be under the 'cmd' dir. Create a hard link to it in your path (you'll want to keep it around -- it's useful). If you have a ~/bin dir, then (in bash): "ln '' ~/bin/. " I'd do the same, or instead of, (I have it in both places for convenience and safety), in the /Windows/System32 dir, so: 'ln /Windows/System32/.' Under the 'cmd' dir. Then try these on for size/comfort: 1) (in c:\ (or / in cygwin)) i make sure there is no existing dir named 'Prog', then type 'linkd Prog /"Program Files". Notice -- you can now access /Program Files via name /Prog. It will remain that way until you delete the link ('linkd /Prog /D') 2) If you would like it, (and I do, or I wouldn't be suggesting it), instead of having your cygwin home dir in '/home/' be _separate_ from your windows user home dir of '/Documents and Settings', make them the same! I.e.: cd /; mv /home /home- # (you may need to make sure all progs are # closed, and use /bin/ash for your shell # when you do it: 'cygstart /bin/ash' to start # in a separate window) linkd /home '/Documents and Settings' # Now, if you know you don't have any dir or file conflicts you can # just move the old files into the new dir: mv /home-/. /home/. # to be safer, this should work: rsync -aHAXv --fake-super \ --ignore-existing --remove-source-files /home-/. /home/ # then see what is left in your old /home- dir and resolve any conflicts If your Documents dir still is 'My Documents', (Carryover from earlier OS's), use linkd or a softlink to be able to use the shorter name. You can try a rename under Explorer -- if it lets you rename it (it's a System Dir), then it should update the registry entries for you). If you want to be braver and don't mind a bit of work, you can use 'mv' in bash to rename it and then go through the registry (search) and find references to the old name (My Documents) and change it to the new name(Documents). If you find a *bunch* of renames that are needed, always remember you can dump a section of the registry to a file (if you use the win version of Gvim/Vim, it can edit UTF-8 or UCS-2 naturally, so saving in Regedit5 format is best, but I've done it in Regedit4 -- before Gvim had Unicode support. But save to a file then use the editor and :%s/My Documents/Documents/g, then write the file out and use: "reg /import filename.reg" to read it back in. Remember, editing the registry can mess things up...make backups... You can backup the main keys: HKLM/HARDWARE HKLM/SOFTWARE HKLM/SYSTEM (or you can group them together just using HKLM, but they are actually separate files on disk -- all just logically mounted in the registry namespace). HCU (which is actually 2 keys, but not worth separating). using 'reg SAVE KEYNAME-YYYYMMDD.hiv' (I'm suggesting the file's name so you can remember it. If you have a key with a '/' in it, you could use '-' or the unlikely char of '!' (though you'd have to quote it)). -------------------------- SSH.EXE key specific notes) -------------------------- Note: for 'ssh.exe's key location, I left off '/cms/PageGenerator/' from the keyname, as it in the above case, it appears you are already in the '/cms/PageGenerator' subdirectory. If you use 'ssh', exclusively, to xfer files, you might want to set "RSYNC_RSH='/usr/bin/ssh'" in your cygwin environment (add it to you .bashrc). If you use 'qa_rsa' as a key, "alot", you can add it to your ~/.ssh/config in one of several ways. 1) if it is your private key, copy it to your .ssh/ dir and just add the line: IdentityFile =~/.ssh/qa_rsa 2) if it needs to remain where it is, then just specify the full pathname in the line above. 3) to be efficient, if you only use it with host, then add it as a Host section in your .ssh/config file: Host = ForwardX11 = no IdentityFile = ~/.ssh/qa_rsa #(or '= /cms/PageGenerator/qa_rsa') then your rsync line gets rid of the "-e" altogether.