[linux-cifs-client] cifs mount failing

BJ Taylor btaylor at propertysolutions.com
Thu Jul 9 18:04:20 GMT 2009

I have 2 opensuse 11.1 machines that have a mounted folder that's connected
to an opensuse 10.3 samba server.  The folder is fairly consistently.
However, every few days, the folder will stop responding.  Doing a 'ls' on
the folder (not inside the folder) I get an error saying that the host
server is not responding.  However, I have at least 4 other servers that are
connected to the same share and do not ever get this problem.  Once the
machine gets this problem, the only way I know to fix it is to reboot the
machine.  umount -l and umount -f both crash the machine (ie, it is
unresponsive to all network traffic and even from the monitor and keyboard
plugged into it, and will stay that way for days).  Searching the logs has
been futile.  I either do not know where to look or nothing is being
recorded.  Using netstat I can see the samba link from both machines, but
killing the processes on the client that are using the service doesn't seem
to kill the connection.

Are there any known bugs that would cause this?  Would updating the samba
server to opensuse 11.1 fix the problem by any chance?  Any advice on how I
can further debug this and get some meaningful output?


BJ Taylor
Property Solutions International, Inc.
btaylor at propertysolutions.com
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