[distcc] Re: Use mon.h in C++

Frédéric Forjan forjan at essi.fr
Mon Jul 7 11:49:00 GMT 2003

> Thankyou for the suggestion.  Both are now fixed in CVS.
> Please let us know when you have your program working!
So yes, it works.  You have my -first and tiny- program source at:
and binary program for RedHat 8 :

Uncompress this file in distcc dir, it  create a subdirectory call mon-qt.
You have a Readme file into this archive to explain how to make it 

But i use  a library : i modify the Makefile in order to create a 
libmon.a for use it :
If you want to use the monitor in your own program. Just use a libmon.a 
archive which contains all binary file (.o) to link against in order to
use the "mon.h" in your project. Look the Readme into archive, more 
explication about the Makefile modification. It's more easy than link 
against src/mon.o ....

I'm not a automake/autoconf/configure expert so i can't do a patch to 
create the good Makefile !

Forjan Frédéric

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