[cifs-protocol] Status: SRX091209600095 Trans2SetPathInfo() returns truncated SMB header

Bill Wesse billwe at microsoft.com
Tue Mar 9 09:33:30 MST 2010

I have attached [MS-SMB]_Changes.pdf, showing the changes that will be made; these are essentially the same as those previously proposed for [MS-CIFS]. Please see the attached [MS-CIFS]_Changes.pdf, which will not be implemented.

These changes will be available in a future document refresh.

Please let me know if this satisfies your request; if so, I will consider the case resolved. Thanks for helping us improve our documentation.

Also, just to confirm the below, omitted WordCount/ByteCount should not be treated as erroneous - at least from a Windows client. This is not the case for all DOS errors.

Documenting these cases would require me to open a new case - please let me know if you wish us to pursue this.

On Dec 9, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Bill Wesse wrote:

> This is processed as follows before appearing on the wire:
> If the SrvIsSrvStatus(Status) check passes (which it should, in this 
> case, per the included #defines from cifs.h), the error code is 
> truncated using the SrvErrorClass(Status) macro (also from cifs.h), 
> and the error class is set to SMB_ERR_CLASS_DOS (0x1). The 
> SMB_FLAGS2_NT_STATUS bit is cleared in the response header.Flags2 
> field, and the return context is marked to omit WordCount and 
> ByteCount.

Hmm, I didn't know that there are cases where the WordCount and ByteCount are omitted.  Is this the case for all DOS errors?  Is it possible to document the cases when they are omitted?  As it is there is samba client code that detects an omitted WordCount/ByteCount in this situation as an error, so if this is correct server behavior we'll need to update the client.

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC PROTOCOL TEAM
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Email:	billwe at microsoft.com
Tel: 	+1(980) 776-8200
Cell: 	+1(704) 661-5438
Fax: 	+1(704) 665-9606

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