[cifs-protocol] [REG:110122106325012] [MS-DNSP] Documentation for DNS_TYPE_ZERO (was "strange records in DNS LDAP NCs")

Bryan Burgin bburgin at microsoft.com
Tue Dec 21 23:05:03 MST 2010

Hay, Tridge,

I was doing some initial research on this today:

	dnsRecord:     NDR: struct dnsp_DnssrvRpcRecord
	        wDataLength              : 0x0008 (8)
	        wType                    : DNS_TYPE_ZERO (0)
	        dwFlags                  : 0x00000005 (5)
	        dwSerial                 : 0x000002b1 (689)
	        dwTtlSeconds             : 0x00000000 (0)
	        dwTimeStamp              : 0x00000000 (0)
	        dwReserved               : 0x00000000 (0)
	        data                     : union dnsRecordData(case 0)
	        data                     : DATA_BLOB length=8
	[0000] 40 47 30 F4 9F A0 CB 01                            @G0..... 

	what are they for? What is in that 8 bytes of data?

Can you give me more context of when you're seeing this (On the wire?  Elsewhere?).  Initially, I share your expectation that wDataLength should be zero.  Do you always see eight.

My review is very preliminary, but I thought I would share with you what I had.  I'm seeing some code that this may be a pointer (( ULONG64 ) record.Data.NOEXIST.pnodeZoneRoot) that wouldn't have any context outside the running process.  And, this doesn't look like a pointer (even if you invert bytes within DWORDs or do any of the standard byte transformations from network order).  I'm also seeing some other code that suggests that a "tombstone" value might be stored there as the output of RtlGetSystemTime(), but that doesn't match the data sample you supplied.  Both of the forgoing possibilities would contain eight bytes, but neither seem to fit (40 47 30 F4 9F A0 CB 01), so the hunt continues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Burgin 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 5:49 PM
To: 'tridge at samba.org'
Cc: cifs-protocol at samba.org; abartlet at samba.org; MSSolve Case Email
Subject: [REG:110122106325012] strange records in DNS LDAP NCs

[dochelp to bcc]


I created SR 110122106325012 to track this issue.  An engineer from the protocols team will contact you soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: tridge at samba.org [mailto:tridge at samba.org] 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 5:23 PM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help
Cc: cifs-protocol at samba.org; abartlet at samba.org
Subject: strange records in DNS LDAP NCs

There are a few aspects of the Windows DNS NCs that are puzzling us:

1) we see records like this:

dn: DC=..SerialNo-W2K8R2B.v2.tridgell.net,DC=v2.tridgell.net,CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=v2,DC=tridgell,DC=net
dnsRecord:     NDR: struct dnsp_DnssrvRpcRecord
        wDataLength              : 0x0008 (8)
        wType                    : DNS_TYPE_ZERO (0)
        dwFlags                  : 0x00000005 (5)
        dwSerial                 : 0x000002b1 (689)
        dwTtlSeconds             : 0x00000000 (0)
        dwTimeStamp              : 0x00000000 (0)
        dwReserved               : 0x00000000 (0)
        data                     : union dnsRecordData(case 0)
        data                     : DATA_BLOB length=8
[0000] 40 47 30 F4 9F A0 CB 01                            @G0..... 

what are they for? What is in that 8 bytes of data? What is the significance of the "..SerialNo-HOSTNAME" records?

The MS-DNSP doc says:

   DNS_TYPE_ZERO         An empty record type (section 3.6 in [RFC1034] and section 3.2.2 in [RFC1035]).

which isn't very useful!

2) what is the dwReserved field in all the dnsNode records? The MS-DNSP doc says:

   dwReserved: This value MUST be set to 0x00000000 when sent by the client and ignored on
     receipt by the server.

but that makes no sense. These are fields that are sent by the LDAP or DRS server in response to queries. The values are far too consistent to be random. 

Note that we are not asking about the DNS RPC protocol that MS-DNSP concentrates on. In our case Samba is a DC that is replicating the DNS NCs with Microsoft DCs. We need to know how to fill in these fields when we create records that will be replicated to MS DNS servers via DRS.

Cheers, Tridge

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