[cifs-protocol] Re: What are the 'Service' levels in SamLogonEx?

Obaid Farooqi obaidf at microsoft.com
Mon Oct 6 23:03:45 GMT 2008

Good Afternoon Andrew:
We have complete our investigation regarding NetlogonServiceInformation.
NetlogonServiceInformation and thus NetlogonServiceTransitiveInformation are not used by any Windows protocol client. We will be removing all references to that logon type from the MS-NRPC TD. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

Obaid Farooqi
Sr. SEE | Microsoft

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abartlet at samba.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 7:13 AM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help
Cc: pfif at tridgell.net; cifs-protocol at samba.org
Subject: What are the 'Service' levels in SamLogonEx?

In MS-NRPC NetrLogonSamLogonEx command uses NETLOGON_LEVEL typedef enum _NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS{
    NetlogonInteractiveInformation = 1,
    NetlogonNetworkInformation = 2,
    NetlogonServiceInformation = 3,
    NetlogonGenericInformation = 4,
    NetlogonInteractiveTransitiveInformation = 5,
    NetlogonNetworkTransitiveInformation = 6,
    NetlogonServiceTransitiveInformation = 7 } NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS;

What I'm wondering is:  What are the Service levels for?  Neither MS-NRPC or MS-APDS seems to define their use.


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Red Hat Inc.

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